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Bases: BoundMethodWrapper[TOwner, [MongoQuery | None, TInsertOrUpdate], InsertUpdateConfig]

Validator method wrapper.

Validator methods receive an insert or update object, and execute some - potentially async - operations to make sure the inserted or updated data is valid.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class Validator(BoundMethodWrapper[TOwner, [MongoQuery | None, TInsertOrUpdate], InsertUpdateConfig]):
    Validator method wrapper.

    Validator methods receive an insert or update object, and execute some - potentially
    async - operations to make sure the inserted or updated data is valid.

    __slots__ = ()

    exception = ValidationError


Service method decorator factory that converts the decorated method into a Validator instance.


class SVC(MongoService):
    def check_something(self, data: InsertData | CreateData) -> None:
        raise ValueError("Always fail.")


Name Type Description Default
config InsertUpdateConfig

Validatator config.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
def validator(
    config: InsertUpdateConfig = "insert-update",
) -> Callable[
    [Callable[[TOwner, MongoQuery | None, TInsertOrUpdate], Coroutine[None, None, None]]],
    "Validator[TOwner, TInsertOrUpdate]",
    Service method decorator factory that converts the decorated method into a `Validator` instance.


    class SVC(MongoService):
        def check_something(self, data: InsertData | CreateData) -> None:
            raise ValueError("Always fail.")

        config: Validatator config.

    def decorator(
        func: Callable[[TOwner, MongoQuery | None, TInsertOrUpdate], Coroutine[None, None, None]], /
    ) -> "Validator[TOwner, TInsertOrUpdate]":
        return Validator(func=func, config=config)

    return decorator