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Utility models and protocols


Bases: Protocol

Client provider protocol for FastAPI database dependencies.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class ClientProvider(Protocol):
    Client provider protocol for FastAPI database dependencies.

    def __call__(self) -> AgnosticClient:


Bases: Protocol

Database provider protocol for FastAPI database dependencies.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class DatabaseProvider(Protocol):
    Database provider protocol for FastAPI database dependencies.

    def __call__(self) -> AgnosticDatabase:


Bases: BaseModel

Delete result model.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class DeleteResultModel(BaseModel):
    Delete result model.

    delete_count: int


Bases: BaseModel

Pydantic base model for MongoDB documents.

It exposes the _id attribute as id.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class DocumentModel(BaseModel):
    Pydantic base model for MongoDB documents.

    It exposes the `_id` attribute as `id`.

    id: StrObjectId = Field(alias="_id")

    class Config:
        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
        json_encoders = {ObjectId: str}


Bases: ObjectId

Custom BSON ObjectId for use with Pydantic.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class StrObjectId(ObjectId):
    Custom BSON `ObjectId` for use with Pydantic.

    def __get_validators__(cls) -> Generator[Callable[[Any], StrObjectId], None, None]:
        yield cls.validate

    def validate(cls, value: Any) -> StrObjectId:
        Checks whether the given value is a valid `ObjectId`"""
        if not ObjectId.is_valid(value):
            raise ValueError("Invalid StrObjectId")
        return cls(value)

    def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: dict[str, Any]) -> None:

validate(value) classmethod

Checks whether the given value is a valid ObjectId

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
def validate(cls, value: Any) -> StrObjectId:
    Checks whether the given value is a valid `ObjectId`"""
    if not ObjectId.is_valid(value):
        raise ValueError("Invalid StrObjectId")
    return cls(value)


Bases: datetime

Pydantic datetime field that enforces UTC timezone.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
class UTCDatetime(datetime):
    Pydantic datetime field that enforces UTC timezone.

    def __get_validators__(cls) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
        yield parse_datetime  # default pydantic behavior
        yield cls.ensure_utc

    def ensure_utc(cls, value: datetime) -> datetime:
        Makes sure the given datetime is in UTC.

        If `value` has no timezone info, the method sets UTC.

            ValueError: If `value` has timezone info but it's not UTC.
        tzinfo = value.tzinfo
        if tzinfo is None:  # No timezone info, assume UTC.
            return value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

        if tzinfo == timezone.utc:  # Timezone is UTC, no-op.
            return value

        # Non-UTC timezone info, raise exception.
        raise ValueError("Non-UTC timezone.")

ensure_utc(value) classmethod

Makes sure the given datetime is in UTC.

If value has no timezone info, the method sets UTC.


Type Description

If value has timezone info but it's not UTC.

Source code in fastapi_motor_oil/
def ensure_utc(cls, value: datetime) -> datetime:
    Makes sure the given datetime is in UTC.

    If `value` has no timezone info, the method sets UTC.

        ValueError: If `value` has timezone info but it's not UTC.
    tzinfo = value.tzinfo
    if tzinfo is None:  # No timezone info, assume UTC.
        return value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

    if tzinfo == timezone.utc:  # Timezone is UTC, no-op.
        return value

    # Non-UTC timezone info, raise exception.
    raise ValueError("Non-UTC timezone.")