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Bases: Generic[TOwner, TParams, TConfig]

Async method wrapper that also acts as a bound instance method when it replaces an instance method of a class.

Note: the wrapped method will be unbound.


This class acts as if it was a bound method of the instance using the descriptor protocol, but of course it is not a bound method, which becomes important when trying to apply decorators on the wrapper instance. In those cases the wrapper acts as a static method whose first argument is the instance, so you need to apply decorators that match this signature.


exception: An optional exception factory (or type) that accepts a single string argument and returns an exception. If not None, then exceptions raised by the wrapped method will be caught and replaced by the exception this method produces.

Source code in motorhead/
class BoundMethodWrapper(Generic[TOwner, TParams, TConfig]):
    Async method wrapper that also acts as a bound instance method when it replaces
    an instance method of a class.

    Note: the wrapped method will be unbound.

        This class acts as if it was a bound method of the instance using the
        descriptor protocol, but of course it is not a bound method, which becomes
        important when trying to apply decorators on the wrapper instance. In those
        cases the wrapper acts as a static method whose first argument is the instance,
        so you need to apply decorators that match this signature.

        exception: An optional exception factory (or type) that accepts a single string
                   argument and returns an exception. If not `None`, then exceptions
                   raised by the wrapped method will be caught and replaced by the exception
                   this method produces.

    __slots__ = ("_config", "_wrapped", "_exec", "_owner")

    exception: Callable[[str], Exception] | None = None

    def __init__(
        wrapped: Callable[Concatenate[TOwner, TParams], Coroutine[None, None, None]],
        config: TConfig,
    ) -> None:

            wrapped: The wrapped method.
            config: Wrapper configuration.
        self._config = config
        self._wrapped = wrapped
        self._exec: Callable[TParams, Coroutine[None, None, None]] | None = None
        self._owner: TOwner | None = None

    def config(self) -> TConfig:
        Wrapper configuration.
        return self._config

    def name(self) -> str:
        The (qualified) name of the wrapped method.
        return self._wrapped.__qualname__

    def __get__(
        self, owner: TOwner, obj_type: type[TOwner] | None = None
    ) -> Callable[TParams, Coroutine[None, None, None]]:
        Descriptor implementation that makes the wrapper work as a bound method of its owner.
        if owner is self._owner and self._exec is not None:
            return self._exec

        async def exec(*args: TParams.args, **kwargs: TParams.kwargs) -> None:
            return await self(owner, *args, **kwargs)

        self._exec = exec
        self._owner = owner

        return exec

    async def __call__(self, owner: TOwner, *args: TParams.args, **kwargs: TParams.kwargs) -> None:
        Executes the wrapped *unbound* method with the given `owner`.

        Exceptions raised by the wrapped method will be transformed by the `exception` attribute.

            owner: The owner instance of the wrapper (the `self` argument of the wrapped instance method).
            *args: The wrapped method's positional arguments.
            *kwargs: The wrapped method's keyword arguments.
            await self._wrapped(owner, *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e if self.exception is None else self.exception(f"Method failed: {}") from e

config property

Wrapper configuration.

name property

The (qualified) name of the wrapped method.

__call__(owner, *args, **kwargs) async

Executes the wrapped unbound method with the given owner.

Exceptions raised by the wrapped method will be transformed by the exception attribute.


Name Type Description Default
owner TOwner

The owner instance of the wrapper (the self argument of the wrapped instance method).

*args args

The wrapped method's positional arguments.

*kwargs kwargs

The wrapped method's keyword arguments.

Source code in motorhead/
async def __call__(self, owner: TOwner, *args: TParams.args, **kwargs: TParams.kwargs) -> None:
    Executes the wrapped *unbound* method with the given `owner`.

    Exceptions raised by the wrapped method will be transformed by the `exception` attribute.

        owner: The owner instance of the wrapper (the `self` argument of the wrapped instance method).
        *args: The wrapped method's positional arguments.
        *kwargs: The wrapped method's keyword arguments.
        await self._wrapped(owner, *args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
        raise e if self.exception is None else self.exception(f"Method failed: {}") from e

__get__(owner, obj_type=None)

Descriptor implementation that makes the wrapper work as a bound method of its owner.

Source code in motorhead/
def __get__(
    self, owner: TOwner, obj_type: type[TOwner] | None = None
) -> Callable[TParams, Coroutine[None, None, None]]:
    Descriptor implementation that makes the wrapper work as a bound method of its owner.
    if owner is self._owner and self._exec is not None:
        return self._exec

    async def exec(*args: TParams.args, **kwargs: TParams.kwargs) -> None:
        return await self(owner, *args, **kwargs)

    self._exec = exec
    self._owner = owner

    return exec

__init__(wrapped, config)



Name Type Description Default
wrapped Callable[Concatenate[TOwner, TParams], Coroutine[None, None, None]]

The wrapped method.

config TConfig

Wrapper configuration.

Source code in motorhead/
def __init__(
    wrapped: Callable[Concatenate[TOwner, TParams], Coroutine[None, None, None]],
    config: TConfig,
) -> None:

        wrapped: The wrapped method.
        config: Wrapper configuration.
    self._config = config
    self._wrapped = wrapped
    self._exec: Callable[TParams, Coroutine[None, None, None]] | None = None
    self._owner: TOwner | None = None