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Bases: ABC

Base tag class.

Tags are always synchronous.

If the content of a tag must be calculated asynchronously, then the content can be implemented as a separate async component or be resolved in an async parent component. If a property of a tag must be calculated asynchronously, then the tag can be wrapped in an async component that resolves the async content and then passes the value to the tag.

Source code in htmy/
class BaseTag(abc.ABC):
    Base tag class.

    Tags are always synchronous.

    If the content of a tag must be calculated asynchronously, then the content can be implemented
    as a separate async component or be resolved in an async parent component. If a property of a
    tag must be calculated asynchronously, then the tag can be wrapped in an async component that
    resolves the async content and then passes the value to the tag.

    __slots__ = ("_htmy_name",)

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._htmy_name = self._get_htmy_name()

    def htmy_name(self) -> str:
        """The tag name."""
        return self._htmy_name

    def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
        """Abstract base component implementation."""

    def _get_htmy_name(self) -> str:
        return type(self).__name__

htmy_name property

The tag name.

htmy(context) abstractmethod

Abstract base component implementation.

Source code in htmy/
def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
    """Abstract base component implementation."""


Base class with utilities for safe context use.


  • Register subclass instance in a context.
  • Load subclass instance from context.
  • Wrap components within a subclass instance context.

Subclass instance registration:

Direct subclasses are considered the "base context type". Subclass instances are registered in contexts under their own type and also under their "base context type".


class ContextDataDefinition(ContextAware):
    # This is the "base context type", instances of this class and its subclasses
    # will always be registered under this type.

class ContextDataImplementation(ContextDataDefinition):
    # Instances of this class will be registered under `ContextDataDefinition` (the
    # "base context type") and also under this type.

class SpecializedContextDataImplementation(ContextDataImplementation):
    # Instances of this class will be registered under `ContextDataDefinition` (the
    # "base context type") and also under this type, but they will not be registered
    # under `ContextDataImplementation`, since that's not the base context type.
Source code in htmy/
class ContextAware:
    Base class with utilities for safe context use.


    - Register subclass instance in a context.
    - Load subclass instance from context.
    - Wrap components within a subclass instance context.

    Subclass instance registration:

    Direct subclasses are considered the "base context type". Subclass instances are
    registered in contexts under their own type and also under their "base context type".


    class ContextDataDefinition(ContextAware):
        # This is the "base context type", instances of this class and its subclasses
        # will always be registered under this type.

    class ContextDataImplementation(ContextDataDefinition):
        # Instances of this class will be registered under `ContextDataDefinition` (the
        # "base context type") and also under this type.

    class SpecializedContextDataImplementation(ContextDataImplementation):
        # Instances of this class will be registered under `ContextDataDefinition` (the
        # "base context type") and also under this type, but they will not be registered
        # under `ContextDataImplementation`, since that's not the base context type.

    __slots__ = ()

    _base_context_type: ClassVar[type[ContextAware] | None] = None

    def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
        if cls.mro()[1] == ContextAware:
            cls._base_context_type = cls

    def in_context(self, *children: ComponentType) -> WithContext:
        Creates a context provider component that renders the given children using this
        instance in its context.
        return WithContext(*children, context=self.to_context())

    def to_context(self) -> Context:
        Creates a context with this instance in it.

        See the context registration rules in the class documentation for more information.
        result: dict[ContextKey, ContextValue] = {type(self): self}
        if self._base_context_type is not None:
            result[self._base_context_type] = self

        return result

    def from_context(cls, context: Context, default: Self | None = None) -> Self:
        Looks up an instance of this class from the given contexts.

            context: The context the instance should be loaded from.
            default: The default to use if no instance was found in the context.
        result = context[cls] if default is None else context.get(cls, default)
        if isinstance(result, cls):
            return result

        raise TypeError(f"Invalid context data type for {cls.__name__}.")

from_context(context, default=None) classmethod

Looks up an instance of this class from the given contexts.


Name Type Description Default
context Context

The context the instance should be loaded from.

default Self | None

The default to use if no instance was found in the context.

Source code in htmy/
def from_context(cls, context: Context, default: Self | None = None) -> Self:
    Looks up an instance of this class from the given contexts.

        context: The context the instance should be loaded from.
        default: The default to use if no instance was found in the context.
    result = context[cls] if default is None else context.get(cls, default)
    if isinstance(result, cls):
        return result

    raise TypeError(f"Invalid context data type for {cls.__name__}.")


Creates a context provider component that renders the given children using this instance in its context.

Source code in htmy/
def in_context(self, *children: ComponentType) -> WithContext:
    Creates a context provider component that renders the given children using this
    instance in its context.
    return WithContext(*children, context=self.to_context())


Creates a context with this instance in it.

See the context registration rules in the class documentation for more information.

Source code in htmy/
def to_context(self) -> Context:
    Creates a context with this instance in it.

    See the context registration rules in the class documentation for more information.
    result: dict[ContextKey, ContextValue] = {type(self): self}
    if self._base_context_type is not None:
        result[self._base_context_type] = self

    return result


Bases: Fragment

Error boundary component for graceful error handling.

If an error occurs during the rendering of the error boundary's subtree, the fallback component will be rendered instead.

Source code in htmy/
class ErrorBoundary(Fragment):
    Error boundary component for graceful error handling.

    If an error occurs during the rendering of the error boundary's subtree,
    the fallback component will be rendered instead.

    __slots__ = ("_errors", "_fallback")

    def __init__(
        *children: ComponentType,
        fallback: Component | None = None,
        errors: Container[type[Exception]] | None = None,
    ) -> None:

            *children: The wrapped children components.
            fallback: The fallback component to render in case an error occurs during children rendering.
            errors: An optional set of accepted error types. Only accepted errors are swallowed and rendered
                with the fallback. If an error is not in this set but one of its base classes is, then the
                error will still be accepted and the fallbak rendered. By default all errors are accepted.
        self._errors = errors
        self._fallback: Component = "" if fallback is None else fallback

    def fallback_component(self, error: Exception) -> ComponentType:
        Returns the fallback component for the given error.

            error: The error that occurred during the rendering of the error boundary's subtree.

            Exception: The received error if it's not accepted.
        if not (self._errors is None or any(e in self._errors for e in type(error).mro())):
            raise error

        return as_component_type(self._fallback)

__init__(*children, fallback=None, errors=None)



Name Type Description Default
*children ComponentType

The wrapped children components.

fallback Component | None

The fallback component to render in case an error occurs during children rendering.

errors Container[type[Exception]] | None

An optional set of accepted error types. Only accepted errors are swallowed and rendered with the fallback. If an error is not in this set but one of its base classes is, then the error will still be accepted and the fallbak rendered. By default all errors are accepted.

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(
    *children: ComponentType,
    fallback: Component | None = None,
    errors: Container[type[Exception]] | None = None,
) -> None:

        *children: The wrapped children components.
        fallback: The fallback component to render in case an error occurs during children rendering.
        errors: An optional set of accepted error types. Only accepted errors are swallowed and rendered
            with the fallback. If an error is not in this set but one of its base classes is, then the
            error will still be accepted and the fallbak rendered. By default all errors are accepted.
    self._errors = errors
    self._fallback: Component = "" if fallback is None else fallback


Returns the fallback component for the given error.


Name Type Description Default
error Exception

The error that occurred during the rendering of the error boundary's subtree.



Type Description

The received error if it's not accepted.

Source code in htmy/
def fallback_component(self, error: Exception) -> ComponentType:
    Returns the fallback component for the given error.

        error: The error that occurred during the rendering of the error boundary's subtree.

        Exception: The received error if it's not accepted.
    if not (self._errors is None or any(e in self._errors for e in type(error).mro())):
        raise error

    return as_component_type(self._fallback)


Bases: ContextAware

The default, context-aware property name and value formatter.

Important: the default implementation looks up the formatter for a given value by checking its type, but it doesn't do this check with the base classes of the encountered type. For example the formatter will know how to format datetime object, but it won't know how to format a MyCustomDatetime(datetime) instance.

One reason for this is efficiency: always checking the base classes of every single value is a lot of unnecessary calculation. The other reason is customizability: this way you could use subclassing for fomatter selection, e.g. with LocaleDatetime(datetime)-like classes.

Property name and value formatters may raise a SkipProperty error if a property should be skipped.

Source code in htmy/
class Formatter(ContextAware):
    The default, context-aware property name and value formatter.

    Important: the default implementation looks up the formatter for a given value by checking
    its type, but it doesn't do this check with the base classes of the encountered type. For
    example the formatter will know how to format `datetime` object, but it won't know how to
    format a `MyCustomDatetime(datetime)` instance.

    One reason for this is efficiency: always checking the base classes of every single value is a
    lot of unnecessary calculation. The other reason is customizability: this way you could use
    subclassing for fomatter selection, e.g. with `LocaleDatetime(datetime)`-like classes.

    Property name and value formatters may raise a `SkipProperty` error if a property should be skipped.

    __slots__ = ("_default_formatter", "_name_formatter", "_value_formatters")

    def __init__(
        default_formatter: Callable[[Any], str] = str,
        name_formatter: Callable[[str], str] | None = None,
    ) -> None:

            default_formatter: The default property value formatter to use if no formatter could
                be found for a given value.
            name_formatter: Optional property name formatter (for replacing the default name formatter).
        self._default_formatter = default_formatter
        self._name_formatter = self._format_name if name_formatter is None else name_formatter
        self._value_formatters: dict[type, Callable[[Any], str]] = self._base_formatters()

    def add(self, key: type[T], formatter: Callable[[T], str]) -> Self:
        """Registers the given value formatter under the given key."""
        self._value_formatters[key] = formatter
        return self

    def format(self, name: str, value: Any) -> str:
        Formats the given name-value pair.

        Returns an empty string if the property name or value should be skipped.

        See `SkipProperty` for more information.
            return f"{self.format_name(name)}={xml_quoteattr(self.format_value(value))}"
        except SkipProperty:
            return ""

    def format_name(self, name: str) -> str:
        Formats the given name.

            SkipProperty: If the property should be skipped.
        return self._name_formatter(name)

    def format_value(self, value: Any) -> str:
        Formats the given value.

            value: The property value to format.

            SkipProperty: If the property should be skipped.
        fmt = self._value_formatters.get(type(value), self._default_formatter)
        return fmt(value)

    def _format_name(self, name: str, /) -> str:
        """The default property name formatter."""
        no_replacement = "_" in {name[0], name[-1]}
        return name.strip("_") if no_replacement else name.replace("_", "-")

    def _base_formatters(self) -> dict[type, Callable[[Any], str]]:
        """Factory that creates the default value formatter mapping."""
        from datetime import date, datetime

        return {
            bool: lambda v: "true" if v else "false",
            date: lambda d: cast(date, d).isoformat(),
            datetime: lambda d: cast(datetime, d).isoformat(),
            XBool: lambda v: cast(XBool, v).format(),
            type(None): SkipProperty.format_property,

__init__(*, default_formatter=str, name_formatter=None)



Name Type Description Default
default_formatter Callable[[Any], str]

The default property value formatter to use if no formatter could be found for a given value.

name_formatter Callable[[str], str] | None

Optional property name formatter (for replacing the default name formatter).

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(
    default_formatter: Callable[[Any], str] = str,
    name_formatter: Callable[[str], str] | None = None,
) -> None:

        default_formatter: The default property value formatter to use if no formatter could
            be found for a given value.
        name_formatter: Optional property name formatter (for replacing the default name formatter).
    self._default_formatter = default_formatter
    self._name_formatter = self._format_name if name_formatter is None else name_formatter
    self._value_formatters: dict[type, Callable[[Any], str]] = self._base_formatters()


Factory that creates the default value formatter mapping.

Source code in htmy/
def _base_formatters(self) -> dict[type, Callable[[Any], str]]:
    """Factory that creates the default value formatter mapping."""
    from datetime import date, datetime

    return {
        bool: lambda v: "true" if v else "false",
        date: lambda d: cast(date, d).isoformat(),
        datetime: lambda d: cast(datetime, d).isoformat(),
        XBool: lambda v: cast(XBool, v).format(),
        type(None): SkipProperty.format_property,


The default property name formatter.

Source code in htmy/
def _format_name(self, name: str, /) -> str:
    """The default property name formatter."""
    no_replacement = "_" in {name[0], name[-1]}
    return name.strip("_") if no_replacement else name.replace("_", "-")

add(key, formatter)

Registers the given value formatter under the given key.

Source code in htmy/
def add(self, key: type[T], formatter: Callable[[T], str]) -> Self:
    """Registers the given value formatter under the given key."""
    self._value_formatters[key] = formatter
    return self

format(name, value)

Formats the given name-value pair.

Returns an empty string if the property name or value should be skipped.

See SkipProperty for more information.

Source code in htmy/
def format(self, name: str, value: Any) -> str:
    Formats the given name-value pair.

    Returns an empty string if the property name or value should be skipped.

    See `SkipProperty` for more information.
        return f"{self.format_name(name)}={xml_quoteattr(self.format_value(value))}"
    except SkipProperty:
        return ""


Formats the given name.


Type Description

If the property should be skipped.

Source code in htmy/
def format_name(self, name: str) -> str:
    Formats the given name.

        SkipProperty: If the property should be skipped.
    return self._name_formatter(name)


Formats the given value.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

The property value to format.



Type Description

If the property should be skipped.

Source code in htmy/
def format_value(self, value: Any) -> str:
    Formats the given value.

        value: The property value to format.

        SkipProperty: If the property should be skipped.
    fmt = self._value_formatters.get(type(value), self._default_formatter)
    return fmt(value)


Fragment utility component that simply wraps some children components.

Source code in htmy/
class Fragment:
    """Fragment utility component that simply wraps some children components."""

    __slots__ = ("_children",)

    def __init__(self, *children: ComponentType) -> None:

            *children: The wrapped children.
        self._children = children

    def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
        """Renders the component."""
        return self._children




Name Type Description Default
*children ComponentType

The wrapped children.

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(self, *children: ComponentType) -> None:

        *children: The wrapped children.
    self._children = children


Renders the component.

Source code in htmy/
def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
    """Renders the component."""
    return self._children


Bases: Text

String subclass whose instances shouldn't get escaped during rendering.

Note: any operation on SafeStr instances will result in plain str instances which will be rendered normally. Make sure the str to SafeStr conversion (SafeStr(my_string)) takes when there's no string operation afterwards.

Source code in htmy/
class SafeStr(Text):
    String subclass whose instances shouldn't get escaped during rendering.

    Note: any operation on `SafeStr` instances will result in plain `str` instances which
    will be rendered normally. Make sure the `str` to `SafeStr` conversion (`SafeStr(my_string)`)
    takes when there's no string operation afterwards.



Bases: Exception

Exception raised by property formatters if the property should be skipped.

Source code in htmy/
class SkipProperty(Exception):
    """Exception raised by property formatters if the property should be skipped."""


    def format_property(cls, _: Any) -> Never:
        """Property formatter that raises a `SkipProperty` error regardless of the received value."""
        raise cls("skip-property")

format_property(_) classmethod

Property formatter that raises a SkipProperty error regardless of the received value.

Source code in htmy/
def format_property(cls, _: Any) -> Never:
    """Property formatter that raises a `SkipProperty` error regardless of the received value."""
    raise cls("skip-property")


Bases: TagWithProps

Base class for tags with both properties and children.

Source code in htmy/
class Tag(TagWithProps):
    """Base class for tags with both properties and children."""

    __slots__ = ("children",)

    tag_config: TagConfig = {"child_separator": "\n"}

    def __init__(self, *children: ComponentType, **props: PropertyValue) -> None:

            *children: Children components.
            **props: Tag properties.
        self.children = children

    def child_separator(self) -> ComponentType | None:
        """The child separator to use."""
        return self.tag_config.get("child_separator", None)

    def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
        """Renders the component."""
        name = self.htmy_name
        props = self._htmy_format_props(context=context)
        opening, closing = SafeStr(f"<{name} {props}>"), SafeStr(f"</{name}>")
        separator = self.child_separator
        return (
                if separator is None
                else join_components(self.children, separator=separator, pad=True)

child_separator property

The child separator to use.

__init__(*children, **props)



Name Type Description Default
*children ComponentType

Children components.

**props PropertyValue

Tag properties.

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(self, *children: ComponentType, **props: PropertyValue) -> None:

        *children: Children components.
        **props: Tag properties.
    self.children = children


Renders the component.

Source code in htmy/
def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
    """Renders the component."""
    name = self.htmy_name
    props = self._htmy_format_props(context=context)
    opening, closing = SafeStr(f"<{name} {props}>"), SafeStr(f"</{name}>")
    separator = self.child_separator
    return (
            if separator is None
            else join_components(self.children, separator=separator, pad=True)


Bases: TypedDict

Tag configuration.

Source code in htmy/
class TagConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
    """Tag configuration."""

    child_separator: ComponentType | None


Bases: BaseTag

Base class for tags with properties.

Source code in htmy/
class TagWithProps(BaseTag):
    """Base class for tags with properties."""

    __slots__ = ("props",)

    def __init__(self, **props: PropertyValue) -> None:

            **props: Tag properties.
        self.props = props

    def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
        """Renders the component."""
        name = self.htmy_name
        props = self._htmy_format_props(context=context)
        return SafeStr(f"<{name} {props}/>")

    def _htmy_format_props(self, context: Context) -> str:
        """Formats tag properties."""
        formatter = Formatter.from_context(context, _default_tag_formatter)
        return " ".join(formatter.format(name, value) for name, value in self.props.items())




Name Type Description Default
**props PropertyValue

Tag properties.

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(self, **props: PropertyValue) -> None:

        **props: Tag properties.
    self.props = props


Formats tag properties.

Source code in htmy/
def _htmy_format_props(self, context: Context) -> str:
    """Formats tag properties."""
    formatter = Formatter.from_context(context, _default_tag_formatter)
    return " ".join(formatter.format(name, value) for name, value in self.props.items())


Renders the component.

Source code in htmy/
def htmy(self, context: Context) -> Component:
    """Renders the component."""
    name = self.htmy_name
    props = self._htmy_format_props(context=context)
    return SafeStr(f"<{name} {props}/>")


Bases: str

Marker class for differentiating text content from other strings.

Source code in htmy/
class Text(str):
    """Marker class for differentiating text content from other strings."""



Bases: Tag

Tag that can have both children and properties, and whose tag name can be set.

Source code in htmy/
class WildcardTag(Tag):
    """Tag that can have both children and properties, and whose tag name can be set."""

    __slots__ = ("_child_separator",)

    def __init__(
        *children: ComponentType,
        htmy_name: str,
        htmy_child_separator: ComponentType | None = None,
        **props: PropertyValue,
    ) -> None:

            *children: Children components.
            htmy_name: The tag name to use for this tag.
            htmy_child_separator: The child separator to use (if any).
            **props: Tag properties.
        super().__init__(*children, **props)
        self._htmy_name = htmy_name
        self._child_separator = htmy_child_separator

    def child_separator(self) -> ComponentType | None:
        return self._child_separator

__init__(*children, htmy_name, htmy_child_separator=None, **props)



Name Type Description Default
*children ComponentType

Children components.

htmy_name str

The tag name to use for this tag.

htmy_child_separator ComponentType | None

The child separator to use (if any).

**props PropertyValue

Tag properties.

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(
    *children: ComponentType,
    htmy_name: str,
    htmy_child_separator: ComponentType | None = None,
    **props: PropertyValue,
) -> None:

        *children: Children components.
        htmy_name: The tag name to use for this tag.
        htmy_child_separator: The child separator to use (if any).
        **props: Tag properties.
    super().__init__(*children, **props)
    self._htmy_name = htmy_name
    self._child_separator = htmy_child_separator


Bases: Fragment

A simple, static context provider component.

Source code in htmy/
class WithContext(Fragment):
    A simple, static context provider component.

    __slots__ = ("_context",)

    def __init__(self, *children: ComponentType, context: Context) -> None:

            *children: The children components to wrap in the given context.
            context: The context to make available to children components.
        self._context = context

    def htmy_context(self) -> Context:
        """Returns the context for child rendering."""
        return self._context

__init__(*children, context)



Name Type Description Default
*children ComponentType

The children components to wrap in the given context.

context Context

The context to make available to children components.

Source code in htmy/
def __init__(self, *children: ComponentType, context: Context) -> None:

        *children: The children components to wrap in the given context.
        context: The context to make available to children components.
    self._context = context


Returns the context for child rendering.

Source code in htmy/
def htmy_context(self) -> Context:
    """Returns the context for child rendering."""
    return self._context


Bases: Enum

Utility for the valid formatting of boolean XML (and HTML) attributes.

See this article for more information:

Source code in htmy/
class XBool(enum.Enum):
    Utility for the valid formatting of boolean XML (and HTML) attributes.

    See this article for more information:

    true = True
    false = False

    def format(self) -> str:
        Raises `SkipProperty` for `XBool.false`, returns empty string for `XBool.true`.
        if self is XBool.true:
            return ""

        raise SkipProperty()


Raises SkipProperty for XBool.false, returns empty string for XBool.true.

Source code in htmy/
def format(self) -> str:
    Raises `SkipProperty` for `XBool.false`, returns empty string for `XBool.true`.
    if self is XBool.true:
        return ""

    raise SkipProperty()


Escapes <, >, and & characters in the given string, unless it's a SafeStr.

Source code in htmy/
def xml_format_string(value: str) -> str:
    """Escapes `<`, `>`, and `&` characters in the given string, unless it's a `SafeStr`."""
    return value if isinstance(value, SafeStr) else xml_escape(value)