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fasthx.Jinja dataclass

Jinja2 (renderer) decorator factory.

Source code in fasthx/
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Jinja:
    """Jinja2 (renderer) decorator factory."""

    templates: Jinja2Templates
    """The Jinja2 templates of the application."""

    make_context: JinjaContextFactory = JinjaContext.unpack_result
    Function that will be used by default to convert a route's return value into
    a Jinja rendering context. The default value is `JinjaContext.unpack_result`.

    no_data: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True)
    If set, `hx()` routes will only accept HTMX requests.

    Note that if this property is `True`, then the `hx()` decorator's `no_data` argument
    will have no effect.

    def hx(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
        no_data: bool = False,
        make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
        prefix: str | None = None,
    ) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
        Decorator for rendering a route's return value to HTML using the Jinja2 template
        with the given name, if the request was an HTMX one.

            template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
            no_data: If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.
            make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.

            The rendered HTML for HTMX requests, otherwise the route's unchanged return value.
        if make_context is None:
            # No route-specific override.
            make_context = self.make_context

        return hx(
            self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
            if error_template is None
            else self._make_render_function(error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
            no_data=self.no_data or no_data,

    def page(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
        make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
        prefix: str | None = None,
    ) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
        Decorator for rendering a route's return value to HTML using the Jinja2 template
        with the given name. This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether
        the request was HTMX or not.

            template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
            make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
        if make_context is None:
            # No route-specific override.
            make_context = self.make_context

        return page(
            self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
            if error_template is None
            else self._make_render_function(error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),

    def _make_render_function(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        make_context: JinjaContextFactory,
        prefix: str | None,
    ) -> HTMLRenderer[Any]:
        Creates an `HTMLRenderer` with the given configuration.

            template: The template the renderer function should use.
            make_context: The Jinja rendering context factory to use.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.

        def render(result: Any, *, context: dict[str, Any], request: Request) -> str | Response:
            template_name = self._resolve_template_name(template, prefix=prefix, request=request)
            return self._make_response(
                jinja_context=make_context(route_result=result, route_context=context),

        return render

    def _make_response(
        template: str,
        jinja_context: dict[str, Any],
        request: Request,
    ) -> str | Response:
        Creates the HTML response using the given Jinja template name and context.

            template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
            jinja_context: The Jinj2 rendering context.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
            request: The current request.
        # The reason for returning string from this method is to let `hx()` or `page()` create
        # the HTML response - that way they can copy response headers and do other convenience
        # conversions.
        # The drawback is that users lose some of the baked-in debug utilities of TemplateResponse.
        # This can be worked around by using a rendering context factory that includes the route's
        # dependencies in the Jinja context. Then this method can be overridden to take the Response
        # object from the context and copy the header from it into TemplateResponse.
        result = self.templates.TemplateResponse(
        return bytes(result.body).decode(result.charset)

    def _resolve_template_name(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        error: Exception | None = None,
        prefix: str | None,
        request: Request,
    ) -> str:
        Resolves the template selector into a full template name.

            template: The template selector.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
            request: The current request.

            The resolved, full template name.

            ValueError: If template resolution failed.
        if isinstance(template, RequestComponentSelector):
                result = template.get_component(request, error)
            except KeyError as e:
                raise ValueError("Failed to resolve template name from request.") from e
        elif isinstance(template, str):
            result = template
            raise ValueError("Unknown template selector.")

        prefix = None if isinstance(result, JinjaPath) else prefix
        result = result.lstrip("/")
        return f"{prefix}/{result}" if prefix else result

make_context: JinjaContextFactory = JinjaContext.unpack_result class-attribute instance-attribute

Function that will be used by default to convert a route's return value into a Jinja rendering context. The default value is JinjaContext.unpack_result.

no_data: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

If set, hx() routes will only accept HTMX requests.

Note that if this property is True, then the hx() decorator's no_data argument will have no effect.

templates: Jinja2Templates instance-attribute

The Jinja2 templates of the application.

hx(template, *, error_template=None, no_data=False, make_context=None, prefix=None)

Decorator for rendering a route's return value to HTML using the Jinja2 template with the given name, if the request was an HTMX one.


Name Type Description Default
template ComponentSelector[str]

The Jinja2 template selector to use.

no_data bool

If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.

make_context JinjaContextFactory | None

Route-specific override for the make_context property.

prefix str | None

Optional template name prefix.



Type Description
Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]

The rendered HTML for HTMX requests, otherwise the route's unchanged return value.

Source code in fasthx/
def hx(
    template: ComponentSelector[str],
    error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
    no_data: bool = False,
    make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
    Decorator for rendering a route's return value to HTML using the Jinja2 template
    with the given name, if the request was an HTMX one.

        template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
        no_data: If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.
        make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
        prefix: Optional template name prefix.

        The rendered HTML for HTMX requests, otherwise the route's unchanged return value.
    if make_context is None:
        # No route-specific override.
        make_context = self.make_context

    return hx(
        self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
        if error_template is None
        else self._make_render_function(error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
        no_data=self.no_data or no_data,

page(template, *, error_template=None, make_context=None, prefix=None)

Decorator for rendering a route's return value to HTML using the Jinja2 template with the given name. This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.


Name Type Description Default
template ComponentSelector[str]

The Jinja2 template selector to use.

make_context JinjaContextFactory | None

Route-specific override for the make_context property.

prefix str | None

Optional template name prefix.

Source code in fasthx/
def page(
    template: ComponentSelector[str],
    error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
    make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
    Decorator for rendering a route's return value to HTML using the Jinja2 template
    with the given name. This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether
    the request was HTMX or not.

        template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
        make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
        prefix: Optional template name prefix.
    if make_context is None:
        # No route-specific override.
        make_context = self.make_context

    return page(
        self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
        if error_template is None
        else self._make_render_function(error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),


Core JinjaContextFactory implementations.

Source code in fasthx/
class JinjaContext:
    Core `JinjaContextFactory` implementations.

    def unpack_object(cls, obj: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Utility function that unpacks an object into a `dict`.

        Supports `dict` and `Collection` instances, plus anything with `__dict__` or `__slots__`
        attributes, for example Pydantic models, dataclasses, or "standard" class instances.

        Conversion rules:

        - `dict`: returned as is.
        - `Collection`: returned as `{"items": route_context}`, available in templates as `items`.
        - Objects with `__dict__` or `__slots__`: known keys are taken from `__dict__` or `__slots__`
          and the context will be created as `{key: getattr(route_result, key) for key in keys}`,
          omitting property names starting with an underscore.
        - `None` is converted into an empty context.

            ValueError: If the given object can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return obj

        # Covers lists, tuples, sets, etc..
        if isinstance(obj, Collection):
            return {"items": obj}

        object_keys: Iterable[str] | None = None

        # __dict__ should take priority if an object has both this and __slots__.
        if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
            # Covers Pydantic models and standard classes.
            object_keys = obj.__dict__.keys()
        elif hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
            # Covers classes with with __slots__.
            object_keys = obj.__slots__

        if object_keys is not None:
            return {key: getattr(obj, key) for key in object_keys if not key.startswith("_")}

        if obj is None:
            # Convert no response to empty context.
            return {}

        raise ValueError("Result conversion failed, unknown result type.")

    def unpack_result(cls, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
        to valid Jinja contexts (the `route_context` argument is ignored).

        Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
        conversion rules.

            ValueError: If `route_result` can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
        return cls.unpack_object(route_result)

    def unpack_result_with_route_context(
        route_result: Any,
        route_context: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
        to valid Jinja contexts, also including every key-value pair from `route_context`.

        Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
        conversion rules.

            ValueError: If `JinjaContext.unpack_result()` raises an error or if there's
                a key conflict between `route_result` and `route_context`.
        result = cls.unpack_result(route_result=route_result, route_context=route_context)
        if len(set(result.keys()) & set(route_context.keys())) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

        # route_context is the keyword args of the route collected into a dict. Update and
        # return this dict rather than result, as the result might be the same object that
        # was returned by the route and someone may have a reference to it.
        return route_context

    def use_converters(
        convert_route_result: Callable[[Any], dict[str, Any]] | None,
        convert_route_context: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    ) -> JinjaContextFactory:
        Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that uses the provided functions to convert
        `route_result` and `route_context` to a Jinja context.

        The returned `JinjaContextFactory` raises a `ValueError` if the overlapping keys are found.

            convert_route_result: Function that takes `route_result` and converts it into a `dict`.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
            convert_route_context: Function that takes `route_context` and converts it into a `dict`.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

            The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

        def make_jinja_context(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
            rr = {} if convert_route_result is None else convert_route_result(route_result)
            rc = {} if convert_route_context is None else convert_route_context(route_context)
            if len(set(rr.keys()) & set(rc.keys())) > 0:
                raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

            return rr

        return make_jinja_context

    def wrap_as(cls, result_key: str, context_key: str | None = None) -> JinjaContextFactory:
        Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that wraps the route's result and optionally the route
        context under user-specified keys.

        `result_key` and `context_key` must be different.

            result_key: The key by which the `route_result` should be accessible in templates.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
            context_key: The key by whih the `route_context` should be accessible in templates.
                If `None` (the default), then the `route_context` will not be accessible.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

            The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

            ValueError: If `result_key` and `context_key` are equal.

        if result_key == context_key:
            raise ValueError("The two keys must be different, merging is not supported.")

        def wrap(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
            result = {result_key: route_result}
            if context_key is not None:
                result[context_key] = route_context

            return result

        return wrap

unpack_object(obj) classmethod

Utility function that unpacks an object into a dict.

Supports dict and Collection instances, plus anything with __dict__ or __slots__ attributes, for example Pydantic models, dataclasses, or "standard" class instances.

Conversion rules:

  • dict: returned as is.
  • Collection: returned as {"items": route_context}, available in templates as items.
  • Objects with __dict__ or __slots__: known keys are taken from __dict__ or __slots__ and the context will be created as {key: getattr(route_result, key) for key in keys}, omitting property names starting with an underscore.
  • None is converted into an empty context.


Type Description

If the given object can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.

Source code in fasthx/
def unpack_object(cls, obj: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Utility function that unpacks an object into a `dict`.

    Supports `dict` and `Collection` instances, plus anything with `__dict__` or `__slots__`
    attributes, for example Pydantic models, dataclasses, or "standard" class instances.

    Conversion rules:

    - `dict`: returned as is.
    - `Collection`: returned as `{"items": route_context}`, available in templates as `items`.
    - Objects with `__dict__` or `__slots__`: known keys are taken from `__dict__` or `__slots__`
      and the context will be created as `{key: getattr(route_result, key) for key in keys}`,
      omitting property names starting with an underscore.
    - `None` is converted into an empty context.

        ValueError: If the given object can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return obj

    # Covers lists, tuples, sets, etc..
    if isinstance(obj, Collection):
        return {"items": obj}

    object_keys: Iterable[str] | None = None

    # __dict__ should take priority if an object has both this and __slots__.
    if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
        # Covers Pydantic models and standard classes.
        object_keys = obj.__dict__.keys()
    elif hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
        # Covers classes with with __slots__.
        object_keys = obj.__slots__

    if object_keys is not None:
        return {key: getattr(obj, key) for key in object_keys if not key.startswith("_")}

    if obj is None:
        # Convert no response to empty context.
        return {}

    raise ValueError("Result conversion failed, unknown result type.")

unpack_result(*, route_result, route_context) classmethod

Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-dict route results to valid Jinja contexts (the route_context argument is ignored).

Supports everything that JinjaContext.unpack_object() does and follows the same conversion rules.


Type Description

If route_result can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.

Source code in fasthx/
def unpack_result(cls, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
    to valid Jinja contexts (the `route_context` argument is ignored).

    Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
    conversion rules.

        ValueError: If `route_result` can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
    return cls.unpack_object(route_result)

unpack_result_with_route_context(*, route_result, route_context) classmethod

Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-dict route results to valid Jinja contexts, also including every key-value pair from route_context.

Supports everything that JinjaContext.unpack_object() does and follows the same conversion rules.


Type Description

If JinjaContext.unpack_result() raises an error or if there's a key conflict between route_result and route_context.

Source code in fasthx/
def unpack_result_with_route_context(
    route_result: Any,
    route_context: dict[str, Any],
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
    to valid Jinja contexts, also including every key-value pair from `route_context`.

    Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
    conversion rules.

        ValueError: If `JinjaContext.unpack_result()` raises an error or if there's
            a key conflict between `route_result` and `route_context`.
    result = cls.unpack_result(route_result=route_result, route_context=route_context)
    if len(set(result.keys()) & set(route_context.keys())) > 0:
        raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

    # route_context is the keyword args of the route collected into a dict. Update and
    # return this dict rather than result, as the result might be the same object that
    # was returned by the route and someone may have a reference to it.
    return route_context

use_converters(convert_route_result, convert_route_context=None) classmethod

Creates a JinjaContextFactory that uses the provided functions to convert route_result and route_context to a Jinja context.

The returned JinjaContextFactory raises a ValueError if the overlapping keys are found.


Name Type Description Default
convert_route_result Callable[[Any], dict[str, Any]] | None

Function that takes route_result and converts it into a dict. See JinjaContextFactory for route_result details.

convert_route_context Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] | None

Function that takes route_context and converts it into a dict. See JinjaContextFactory for route_context details.



Type Description

The created JinjaContextFactory.

Source code in fasthx/
def use_converters(
    convert_route_result: Callable[[Any], dict[str, Any]] | None,
    convert_route_context: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
) -> JinjaContextFactory:
    Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that uses the provided functions to convert
    `route_result` and `route_context` to a Jinja context.

    The returned `JinjaContextFactory` raises a `ValueError` if the overlapping keys are found.

        convert_route_result: Function that takes `route_result` and converts it into a `dict`.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
        convert_route_context: Function that takes `route_context` and converts it into a `dict`.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

        The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

    def make_jinja_context(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        rr = {} if convert_route_result is None else convert_route_result(route_result)
        rc = {} if convert_route_context is None else convert_route_context(route_context)
        if len(set(rr.keys()) & set(rc.keys())) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

        return rr

    return make_jinja_context

wrap_as(result_key, context_key=None) cached classmethod

Creates a JinjaContextFactory that wraps the route's result and optionally the route context under user-specified keys.

result_key and context_key must be different.


Name Type Description Default
result_key str

The key by which the route_result should be accessible in templates. See JinjaContextFactory for route_result details.

context_key str | None

The key by whih the route_context should be accessible in templates. If None (the default), then the route_context will not be accessible. See JinjaContextFactory for route_context details.



Type Description

The created JinjaContextFactory.


Type Description

If result_key and context_key are equal.

Source code in fasthx/
def wrap_as(cls, result_key: str, context_key: str | None = None) -> JinjaContextFactory:
    Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that wraps the route's result and optionally the route
    context under user-specified keys.

    `result_key` and `context_key` must be different.

        result_key: The key by which the `route_result` should be accessible in templates.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
        context_key: The key by whih the `route_context` should be accessible in templates.
            If `None` (the default), then the `route_context` will not be accessible.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

        The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

        ValueError: If `result_key` and `context_key` are equal.

    if result_key == context_key:
        raise ValueError("The two keys must be different, merging is not supported.")

    def wrap(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        result = {result_key: route_result}
        if context_key is not None:
            result[context_key] = route_context

        return result

    return wrap

fasthx.TemplateHeader dataclass

Template selector that takes the Jinja template name from a request header.

This class makes it possible for the client to submit the key/ID of the required template to the server in a header. The Jinja decorators will then look up and render the requested template if it exists. If the client doesn't request a specific template, then default will be used if it was set, otherwise an exception will be raised.

By default this class treats template keys as case-insensitive. If you'd like to disable this behavior, set case_sensitive to True.

This class can also handle route errors if the error property is set.

  • RequestComponentSelector[str].
Source code in fasthx/
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class TemplateHeader:
    Template selector that takes the Jinja template name from a request header.

    This class makes it possible for the client to submit the *key/ID* of the required template
    to the server in a header. The Jinja decorators will then look up and render the requested
    template if it exists. If the client doesn't request a specific template, then `default`
    will be used if it was set, otherwise an exception will be raised.

    By default this class treats template keys as case-insensitive. If you'd like to disable
    this behavior, set `case_sensitive` to `True`.

    This class can also handle route errors if the `error` property is set.

        - `RequestComponentSelector[str]`.

    header: str
    """The header which is used by the client to communicate the *key* of the requested template."""

    templates: dict[str, str]
    """Dictionary that maps template keys to template (file) names."""

    error: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    """The accepted error or errors."""

    default: str | None = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    """The template to use when the client didn't request a specific one."""

    case_sensitive: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True)
    """Whether the keys of `templates` are case-sensitive or not (default is `False`)."""

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if not self.case_sensitive:
                {k.lower(): v for k, v in self.templates.items()},

    def get_component(self, request: Request, error: Exception | None) -> str:
        Returns the name of the template that was requested by the client.

        If the request doesn't contain a header (with the name `self.header`),
        then `self.default` will be returned if it's not `None`.

            KeyError: If the client requested a specific template but it's unknown, or
                if no template was requested and there's no default either.
        if error is not None and (self.error is None or not isinstance(error, self.error)):
            raise error

        if (key := request.headers.get(self.header, None)) is not None:
            if not self.case_sensitive:
                key = key.lower()

            return self.templates[key]
        elif self.default is None:
            raise KeyError("Default template was not set and header was not found.")
            return self.default

case_sensitive: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether the keys of templates are case-sensitive or not (default is False).

default: str | None = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The template to use when the client didn't request a specific one.

error: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The accepted error or errors.

header: str instance-attribute

The header which is used by the client to communicate the key of the requested template.

templates: dict[str, str] instance-attribute

Dictionary that maps template keys to template (file) names.

get_component(request, error)

Returns the name of the template that was requested by the client.

If the request doesn't contain a header (with the name self.header), then self.default will be returned if it's not None.


Type Description

If the client requested a specific template but it's unknown, or if no template was requested and there's no default either.

Source code in fasthx/
def get_component(self, request: Request, error: Exception | None) -> str:
    Returns the name of the template that was requested by the client.

    If the request doesn't contain a header (with the name `self.header`),
    then `self.default` will be returned if it's not `None`.

        KeyError: If the client requested a specific template but it's unknown, or
            if no template was requested and there's no default either.
    if error is not None and (self.error is None or not isinstance(error, self.error)):
        raise error

    if (key := request.headers.get(self.header, None)) is not None:
        if not self.case_sensitive:
            key = key.lower()

        return self.templates[key]
    elif self.default is None:
        raise KeyError("Default template was not set and header was not found.")
        return self.default


Bases: str

String subclass that can be used to mark a template path as "absolute".

In this context "absolute" means the template path should be exempt from any prefixing behavior during template name resolution.

Note: calling any of the "mutation" methods (e.g. .lower()) of an instance will result in a plain str object.

Source code in fasthx/
class JinjaPath(str):
    String subclass that can be used to mark a template path as "absolute".

    In this context "absolute" means the template path should be exempt from any prefixing behavior
    during template name resolution.

    Note: calling any of the "mutation" methods (e.g. `.lower()`) of an instance will
    result in a plain `str` object.



Bases: Protocol

Protocol definition for methods that convert a FastAPI route's result and route context (i.e. the route's arguments) into a Jinja context (dict).

Source code in fasthx/
class JinjaContextFactory(Protocol):
    Protocol definition for methods that convert a FastAPI route's result and route context
    (i.e. the route's arguments) into a Jinja context (`dict`).

    def __call__(self, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
            route_result: The result of the route.
            route_context: Every keyword argument the route received.

            The Jinja context dictionary.

            ValueError: If converting the arguments to a Jinja context fails.

__call__(*, route_result, route_context)


Name Type Description Default
route_result Any

The result of the route.

route_context dict[str, Any]

Every keyword argument the route received.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

The Jinja context dictionary.


Type Description

If converting the arguments to a Jinja context fails.

Source code in fasthx/
def __call__(self, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        route_result: The result of the route.
        route_context: Every keyword argument the route received.

        The Jinja context dictionary.

        ValueError: If converting the arguments to a Jinja context fails.