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fasthx.Jinja dataclass

Jinja2 renderer utility with FastAPI route decorators.

Source code in fasthx/
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Jinja:
    """Jinja2 renderer utility with FastAPI route decorators."""

    templates: Jinja2Templates
    """The Jinja2 templates of the application."""

    make_context: JinjaContextFactory = JinjaContext.unpack_result
    Function that will be used by default to convert a route's return value into
    a Jinja rendering context. The default value is `JinjaContext.unpack_result`.

    no_data: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True)
    If set, `hx()` routes will only accept HTMX requests.

    Note that if this property is `True`, then the `hx()` decorator's `no_data` argument
    will have no effect.

    def hx(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
        make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
        no_data: bool = False,
        prefix: str | None = None,
    ) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
        Decorator for rendering a route's result if the request was an HTMX one.

            template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
            error_template: The Jinja2 template selector to use for route error rendering.
            make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
            no_data: If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.

            The rendered HTML for HTMX requests, otherwise the route's unchanged return value.
        if make_context is None:
            # No route-specific override.
            make_context = self.make_context

        return hx(
            self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
            if error_template is None
            else self._make_render_function(
                error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix, error_renderer=True
            no_data=self.no_data or no_data,

    def page(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
        make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
        prefix: str | None = None,
    ) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
        Decorator for rendering a route's result.

        This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.

            template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
            error_template: The Jinja2 template selector to use for route error rendering.
            make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
        if make_context is None:
            # No route-specific override.
            make_context = self.make_context

        return page(
            self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
            if error_template is None
            else self._make_render_function(
                error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix, error_renderer=True

    def _make_render_function(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        make_context: JinjaContextFactory,
        prefix: str | None,
        error_renderer: bool = False,
    ) -> HTMLRenderer[Any]:
        Creates an `HTMLRenderer` with the given configuration.

            template: The template the renderer function should use.
            make_context: The Jinja rendering context factory to use.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
            error_renderer: Whether this is an error renderer creation.

        def render(result: Any, *, context: dict[str, Any], request: Request) -> str | Response:
            template_name = self._resolve_template_name(
                error=result if error_renderer else None,
            return self._make_response(
                jinja_context=make_context(route_result=result, route_context=context),

        return render

    def _make_response(
        template: str,
        jinja_context: dict[str, Any],
        request: Request,
    ) -> str | Response:
        Creates the HTML response using the given Jinja template name and context.

            template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
            jinja_context: The Jinj2 rendering context.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
            request: The current request.
        # The reason for returning string from this method is to let `hx()` or `page()` create
        # the HTML response - that way they can copy response headers and do other convenience
        # conversions.
        # The drawback is that users lose some of the baked-in debug utilities of TemplateResponse.
        # This can be worked around by using a rendering context factory that includes the route's
        # dependencies in the Jinja context. Then this method can be overridden to take the Response
        # object from the context and copy the header from it into TemplateResponse.
        result = self.templates.TemplateResponse(
        return bytes(result.body).decode(result.charset)

    def _resolve_template_name(
        template: ComponentSelector[str],
        error: Exception | None = None,
        prefix: str | None,
        request: Request,
    ) -> str:
        Resolves the template selector into a full template name.

            template: The template selector.
            error: The error raised by the route.
            prefix: Optional template name prefix.
            request: The current request.

            The resolved, full template name.

            ValueError: If template resolution failed.
        if isinstance(template, RequestComponentSelector):
                result = template.get_component(request, error)
            except KeyError as e:
                raise ValueError("Failed to resolve template name from request.") from e
        elif isinstance(template, str):
            result = template
            raise ValueError("Unknown template selector.")

        prefix = None if isinstance(result, JinjaPath) else prefix
        result = result.lstrip("/")
        return f"{prefix}/{result}" if prefix else result

make_context = JinjaContext.unpack_result class-attribute instance-attribute

Function that will be used by default to convert a route's return value into a Jinja rendering context. The default value is JinjaContext.unpack_result.

no_data = field(default=False, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

If set, hx() routes will only accept HTMX requests.

Note that if this property is True, then the hx() decorator's no_data argument will have no effect.

templates instance-attribute

The Jinja2 templates of the application.

hx(template, *, error_template=None, make_context=None, no_data=False, prefix=None)

Decorator for rendering a route's result if the request was an HTMX one.


Name Type Description Default
template ComponentSelector[str]

The Jinja2 template selector to use.

error_template ComponentSelector[str] | None

The Jinja2 template selector to use for route error rendering.

make_context JinjaContextFactory | None

Route-specific override for the make_context property.

no_data bool

If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.

prefix str | None

Optional template name prefix.



Type Description
Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]

The rendered HTML for HTMX requests, otherwise the route's unchanged return value.

Source code in fasthx/
def hx(
    template: ComponentSelector[str],
    error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
    make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
    no_data: bool = False,
    prefix: str | None = None,
) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
    Decorator for rendering a route's result if the request was an HTMX one.

        template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
        error_template: The Jinja2 template selector to use for route error rendering.
        make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
        no_data: If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.
        prefix: Optional template name prefix.

        The rendered HTML for HTMX requests, otherwise the route's unchanged return value.
    if make_context is None:
        # No route-specific override.
        make_context = self.make_context

    return hx(
        self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
        if error_template is None
        else self._make_render_function(
            error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix, error_renderer=True
        no_data=self.no_data or no_data,

page(template, *, error_template=None, make_context=None, prefix=None)

Decorator for rendering a route's result.

This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.


Name Type Description Default
template ComponentSelector[str]

The Jinja2 template selector to use.

error_template ComponentSelector[str] | None

The Jinja2 template selector to use for route error rendering.

make_context JinjaContextFactory | None

Route-specific override for the make_context property.

prefix str | None

Optional template name prefix.

Source code in fasthx/
def page(
    template: ComponentSelector[str],
    error_template: ComponentSelector[str] | None = None,
    make_context: JinjaContextFactory | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, Any]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, Any | Response]]]:
    Decorator for rendering a route's result.

    This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.

        template: The Jinja2 template selector to use.
        error_template: The Jinja2 template selector to use for route error rendering.
        make_context: Route-specific override for the `make_context` property.
        prefix: Optional template name prefix.
    if make_context is None:
        # No route-specific override.
        make_context = self.make_context

    return page(
        self._make_render_function(template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix),
        if error_template is None
        else self._make_render_function(
            error_template, make_context=make_context, prefix=prefix, error_renderer=True


Core JinjaContextFactory implementations.

Source code in fasthx/
class JinjaContext:
    Core `JinjaContextFactory` implementations.

    def unpack_object(cls, obj: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Utility function that unpacks an object into a `dict`.

        Supports `dict` and `Collection` instances, plus anything with `__dict__` or `__slots__`
        attributes, for example Pydantic models, dataclasses, or "standard" class instances.

        Conversion rules:

        - `dict`: returned as is.
        - `Collection`: returned as `{"items": route_context}`, available in templates as `items`.
        - Objects with `__dict__` or `__slots__`: known keys are taken from `__dict__` or `__slots__`
          and the context will be created as `{key: getattr(route_result, key) for key in keys}`,
          omitting property names starting with an underscore.
        - `None` is converted into an empty context.

            ValueError: If the given object can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return obj

        # Covers lists, tuples, sets, etc..
        if isinstance(obj, Collection):
            return {"items": obj}

        object_keys: Iterable[str] | None = None

        # __dict__ should take priority if an object has both this and __slots__.
        if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
            # Covers Pydantic models and standard classes.
            object_keys = obj.__dict__.keys()
        elif hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
            # Covers classes with with __slots__.
            object_keys = obj.__slots__

        if object_keys is not None:
            return {key: getattr(obj, key) for key in object_keys if not key.startswith("_")}

        if obj is None:
            # Convert no response to empty context.
            return {}

        raise ValueError("Result conversion failed, unknown result type.")

    def unpack_result(cls, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
        to valid Jinja contexts (the `route_context` argument is ignored).

        Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
        conversion rules.

            ValueError: If `route_result` can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
        return cls.unpack_object(route_result)

    def unpack_result_with_route_context(
        route_result: Any,
        route_context: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
        to valid Jinja contexts, also including every key-value pair from `route_context`.

        Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
        conversion rules.

            ValueError: If `JinjaContext.unpack_result()` raises an error or if there's
                a key conflict between `route_result` and `route_context`.
        result = cls.unpack_result(route_result=route_result, route_context=route_context)
        if len(set(result.keys()) & set(route_context.keys())) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

        # route_context is the keyword args of the route collected into a dict. Update and
        # return this dict rather than result, as the result might be the same object that
        # was returned by the route and someone may have a reference to it.
        return route_context

    def use_converters(
        convert_route_result: Callable[[Any], dict[str, Any]] | None,
        convert_route_context: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    ) -> JinjaContextFactory:
        Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that uses the provided functions to convert
        `route_result` and `route_context` to a Jinja context.

        The returned `JinjaContextFactory` raises a `ValueError` if the overlapping keys are found.

            convert_route_result: Function that takes `route_result` and converts it into a `dict`.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
            convert_route_context: Function that takes `route_context` and converts it into a `dict`.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

            The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

        def make_jinja_context(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
            rr = {} if convert_route_result is None else convert_route_result(route_result)
            rc = {} if convert_route_context is None else convert_route_context(route_context)
            if len(set(rr.keys()) & set(rc.keys())) > 0:
                raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

            return rr

        return make_jinja_context

    def wrap_as(cls, result_key: str, context_key: str | None = None) -> JinjaContextFactory:
        Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that wraps the route's result and optionally the route
        context under user-specified keys.

        `result_key` and `context_key` must be different.

            result_key: The key by which the `route_result` should be accessible in templates.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
            context_key: The key by whih the `route_context` should be accessible in templates.
                If `None` (the default), then the `route_context` will not be accessible.
                See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

            The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

            ValueError: If `result_key` and `context_key` are equal.

        if result_key == context_key:
            raise ValueError("The two keys must be different, merging is not supported.")

        def wrap(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
            result = {result_key: route_result}
            if context_key is not None:
                result[context_key] = route_context

            return result

        return wrap

unpack_object(obj) classmethod

Utility function that unpacks an object into a dict.

Supports dict and Collection instances, plus anything with __dict__ or __slots__ attributes, for example Pydantic models, dataclasses, or "standard" class instances.

Conversion rules:

  • dict: returned as is.
  • Collection: returned as {"items": route_context}, available in templates as items.
  • Objects with __dict__ or __slots__: known keys are taken from __dict__ or __slots__ and the context will be created as {key: getattr(route_result, key) for key in keys}, omitting property names starting with an underscore.
  • None is converted into an empty context.


Type Description

If the given object can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.

Source code in fasthx/
def unpack_object(cls, obj: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Utility function that unpacks an object into a `dict`.

    Supports `dict` and `Collection` instances, plus anything with `__dict__` or `__slots__`
    attributes, for example Pydantic models, dataclasses, or "standard" class instances.

    Conversion rules:

    - `dict`: returned as is.
    - `Collection`: returned as `{"items": route_context}`, available in templates as `items`.
    - Objects with `__dict__` or `__slots__`: known keys are taken from `__dict__` or `__slots__`
      and the context will be created as `{key: getattr(route_result, key) for key in keys}`,
      omitting property names starting with an underscore.
    - `None` is converted into an empty context.

        ValueError: If the given object can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return obj

    # Covers lists, tuples, sets, etc..
    if isinstance(obj, Collection):
        return {"items": obj}

    object_keys: Iterable[str] | None = None

    # __dict__ should take priority if an object has both this and __slots__.
    if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
        # Covers Pydantic models and standard classes.
        object_keys = obj.__dict__.keys()
    elif hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
        # Covers classes with with __slots__.
        object_keys = obj.__slots__

    if object_keys is not None:
        return {key: getattr(obj, key) for key in object_keys if not key.startswith("_")}

    if obj is None:
        # Convert no response to empty context.
        return {}

    raise ValueError("Result conversion failed, unknown result type.")

unpack_result(*, route_result, route_context) classmethod

Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-dict route results to valid Jinja contexts (the route_context argument is ignored).

Supports everything that JinjaContext.unpack_object() does and follows the same conversion rules.


Type Description

If route_result can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.

Source code in fasthx/
def unpack_result(cls, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
    to valid Jinja contexts (the `route_context` argument is ignored).

    Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
    conversion rules.

        ValueError: If `route_result` can not be handled by any of the conversion rules.
    return cls.unpack_object(route_result)

unpack_result_with_route_context(*, route_result, route_context) classmethod

Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-dict route results to valid Jinja contexts, also including every key-value pair from route_context.

Supports everything that JinjaContext.unpack_object() does and follows the same conversion rules.


Type Description

If JinjaContext.unpack_result() raises an error or if there's a key conflict between route_result and route_context.

Source code in fasthx/
def unpack_result_with_route_context(
    route_result: Any,
    route_context: dict[str, Any],
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Jinja context factory that tries to reasonably convert non-`dict` route results
    to valid Jinja contexts, also including every key-value pair from `route_context`.

    Supports everything that `JinjaContext.unpack_object()` does and follows the same
    conversion rules.

        ValueError: If `JinjaContext.unpack_result()` raises an error or if there's
            a key conflict between `route_result` and `route_context`.
    result = cls.unpack_result(route_result=route_result, route_context=route_context)
    if len(set(result.keys()) & set(route_context.keys())) > 0:
        raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

    # route_context is the keyword args of the route collected into a dict. Update and
    # return this dict rather than result, as the result might be the same object that
    # was returned by the route and someone may have a reference to it.
    return route_context

use_converters(convert_route_result, convert_route_context=None) classmethod

Creates a JinjaContextFactory that uses the provided functions to convert route_result and route_context to a Jinja context.

The returned JinjaContextFactory raises a ValueError if the overlapping keys are found.


Name Type Description Default
convert_route_result Callable[[Any], dict[str, Any]] | None

Function that takes route_result and converts it into a dict. See JinjaContextFactory for route_result details.

convert_route_context Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] | None

Function that takes route_context and converts it into a dict. See JinjaContextFactory for route_context details.



Type Description

The created JinjaContextFactory.

Source code in fasthx/
def use_converters(
    convert_route_result: Callable[[Any], dict[str, Any]] | None,
    convert_route_context: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
) -> JinjaContextFactory:
    Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that uses the provided functions to convert
    `route_result` and `route_context` to a Jinja context.

    The returned `JinjaContextFactory` raises a `ValueError` if the overlapping keys are found.

        convert_route_result: Function that takes `route_result` and converts it into a `dict`.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
        convert_route_context: Function that takes `route_context` and converts it into a `dict`.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

        The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

    def make_jinja_context(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        rr = {} if convert_route_result is None else convert_route_result(route_result)
        rc = {} if convert_route_context is None else convert_route_context(route_context)
        if len(set(rr.keys()) & set(rc.keys())) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Overlapping keys in route result and route context.")

        return rr

    return make_jinja_context

wrap_as(result_key, context_key=None) cached classmethod

Creates a JinjaContextFactory that wraps the route's result and optionally the route context under user-specified keys.

result_key and context_key must be different.


Name Type Description Default
result_key str

The key by which the route_result should be accessible in templates. See JinjaContextFactory for route_result details.

context_key str | None

The key by whih the route_context should be accessible in templates. If None (the default), then the route_context will not be accessible. See JinjaContextFactory for route_context details.



Type Description

The created JinjaContextFactory.


Type Description

If result_key and context_key are equal.

Source code in fasthx/
def wrap_as(cls, result_key: str, context_key: str | None = None) -> JinjaContextFactory:
    Creates a `JinjaContextFactory` that wraps the route's result and optionally the route
    context under user-specified keys.

    `result_key` and `context_key` must be different.

        result_key: The key by which the `route_result` should be accessible in templates.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_result` details.
        context_key: The key by whih the `route_context` should be accessible in templates.
            If `None` (the default), then the `route_context` will not be accessible.
            See `JinjaContextFactory` for `route_context` details.

        The created `JinjaContextFactory`.

        ValueError: If `result_key` and `context_key` are equal.

    if result_key == context_key:
        raise ValueError("The two keys must be different, merging is not supported.")

    def wrap(*, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        result = {result_key: route_result}
        if context_key is not None:
            result[context_key] = route_context

        return result

    return wrap

fasthx.TemplateHeader dataclass

Template selector that takes the Jinja template name from a request header.

This class makes it possible for the client to submit the key/ID of the required template to the server in a header. The Jinja decorators will then look up and render the requested template if it exists. If the client doesn't request a specific template, then default will be used if it was set, otherwise an exception will be raised.

By default this class treats template keys as case-insensitive. If you'd like to disable this behavior, set case_sensitive to True.

This class can also handle route errors if the error property is set.

  • RequestComponentSelector[str].
Source code in fasthx/
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class TemplateHeader:
    Template selector that takes the Jinja template name from a request header.

    This class makes it possible for the client to submit the *key/ID* of the required template
    to the server in a header. The Jinja decorators will then look up and render the requested
    template if it exists. If the client doesn't request a specific template, then `default`
    will be used if it was set, otherwise an exception will be raised.

    By default this class treats template keys as case-insensitive. If you'd like to disable
    this behavior, set `case_sensitive` to `True`.

    This class can also handle route errors if the `error` property is set.

        - `RequestComponentSelector[str]`.

    header: str
    """The header which is used by the client to communicate the *key* of the requested template."""

    templates: dict[str, str]
    """Dictionary that maps template keys to template (file) names."""

    error: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    """The accepted error or errors."""

    default: str | None = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    """The template to use when the client didn't request a specific one."""

    case_sensitive: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True)
    """Whether the keys of `templates` are case-sensitive or not (default is `False`)."""

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if not self.case_sensitive:
                {k.lower(): v for k, v in self.templates.items()},

    def get_component(self, request: Request, error: Exception | None) -> str:
        Returns the name of the template that was requested by the client.

        If the request doesn't contain a header (with the name `self.header`),
        then `self.default` will be returned if it's not `None`.

            KeyError: If the client requested a specific template but it's unknown, or
                if no template was requested and there's no default either.
        if error is not None and (self.error is None or not isinstance(error, self.error)):
            raise error

        if (key := request.headers.get(self.header, None)) is not None:
            if not self.case_sensitive:
                key = key.lower()

            return self.templates[key]
        elif self.default is None:
            raise KeyError("Default template was not set and header was not found.")
            return self.default

case_sensitive = field(default=False, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether the keys of templates are case-sensitive or not (default is False).

default = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The template to use when the client didn't request a specific one.

error = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The accepted error or errors.

header instance-attribute

The header which is used by the client to communicate the key of the requested template.

templates instance-attribute

Dictionary that maps template keys to template (file) names.

get_component(request, error)

Returns the name of the template that was requested by the client.

If the request doesn't contain a header (with the name self.header), then self.default will be returned if it's not None.


Type Description

If the client requested a specific template but it's unknown, or if no template was requested and there's no default either.

Source code in fasthx/
def get_component(self, request: Request, error: Exception | None) -> str:
    Returns the name of the template that was requested by the client.

    If the request doesn't contain a header (with the name `self.header`),
    then `self.default` will be returned if it's not `None`.

        KeyError: If the client requested a specific template but it's unknown, or
            if no template was requested and there's no default either.
    if error is not None and (self.error is None or not isinstance(error, self.error)):
        raise error

    if (key := request.headers.get(self.header, None)) is not None:
        if not self.case_sensitive:
            key = key.lower()

        return self.templates[key]
    elif self.default is None:
        raise KeyError("Default template was not set and header was not found.")
        return self.default


Bases: str

String subclass that can be used to mark a template path as "absolute".

In this context "absolute" means the template path should be exempt from any prefixing behavior during template name resolution.

Note: calling any of the "mutation" methods (e.g. .lower()) of an instance will result in a plain str object.

Source code in fasthx/
class JinjaPath(str):
    String subclass that can be used to mark a template path as "absolute".

    In this context "absolute" means the template path should be exempt from any prefixing behavior
    during template name resolution.

    Note: calling any of the "mutation" methods (e.g. `.lower()`) of an instance will
    result in a plain `str` object.



Bases: Protocol

Protocol definition for methods that convert a FastAPI route's result and route context (i.e. the route's arguments) into a Jinja context (dict).

Source code in fasthx/
class JinjaContextFactory(Protocol):
    Protocol definition for methods that convert a FastAPI route's result and route context
    (i.e. the route's arguments) into a Jinja context (`dict`).

    def __call__(self, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
            route_result: The result of the route.
            route_context: Every keyword argument the route received.

            The Jinja context dictionary.

            ValueError: If converting the arguments to a Jinja context fails.

__call__(*, route_result, route_context)


Name Type Description Default
route_result Any

The result of the route.

route_context dict[str, Any]

Every keyword argument the route received.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

The Jinja context dictionary.


Type Description

If converting the arguments to a Jinja context fails.

Source code in fasthx/
def __call__(self, *, route_result: Any, route_context: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        route_result: The result of the route.
        route_context: Every keyword argument the route received.

        The Jinja context dictionary.

        ValueError: If converting the arguments to a Jinja context fails.