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ComponentHeader dataclass

Bases: ComponentHeader[HTMYComponentFactory[T]]

RequestComponentSelector for HTMY components that takes selects the rendered component based on a request header.

Source code in fasthx/
class ComponentHeader(_ComponentHeader[HTMYComponentFactory[T]]):
    `RequestComponentSelector` for HTMY components that takes selects the rendered component
    based on a request header.



HTMY context aware utility for accessing the current request.

Source code in fasthx/
class CurrentRequest:
    HTMY context aware utility for accessing the current request.

    def to_context(cls, request: Request) -> h.MutableContext:
        """Creates an `htmy` `Context` for the given request."""
        return {Request: request}

    def from_context(cls, context: h.Context) -> Request:
        Loads the current `Request` instance from the given context.

            KeyError: If the there's no `Request` in the context.
            TypeError: If invalid data is stored for `Request`.
        result = context[Request]
        if isinstance(result, Request):
            return result

        raise TypeError(f"Invalid context data for {cls.__name__}.")

from_context(context) classmethod

Loads the current Request instance from the given context.


Type Description

If the there's no Request in the context.


If invalid data is stored for Request.

Source code in fasthx/
def from_context(cls, context: h.Context) -> Request:
    Loads the current `Request` instance from the given context.

        KeyError: If the there's no `Request` in the context.
        TypeError: If invalid data is stored for `Request`.
    result = context[Request]
    if isinstance(result, Request):
        return result

    raise TypeError(f"Invalid context data for {cls.__name__}.")

to_context(request) classmethod

Creates an htmy Context for the given request.

Source code in fasthx/
def to_context(cls, request: Request) -> h.MutableContext:
    """Creates an `htmy` `Context` for the given request."""
    return {Request: request}

HTMY dataclass

HTMY renderer utility with FastAPI route decorators.

The following data is added automatically to every HTMY rendering context:

  • The current Request that can be retrieved with CurrentRequest.from_context() in components.
  • All route parameters (as a RouteParams instance) that can be retrieved with RouteParams.from_context() in components.
  • Everything added through self.request_processors.
  • The default context of self.htmy.
Source code in fasthx/
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class HTMY:
    HTMY renderer utility with FastAPI route decorators.

    The following data is added automatically to every `HTMY` rendering context:

    - The current `Request` that can be retrieved with `CurrentRequest.from_context()` in components.
    - All route parameters (as a `RouteParams` instance) that can be retrieved with
      `RouteParams.from_context()` in components.
    - Everything added through `self.request_processors`.
    - The default context of `self.htmy`.

    htmy: h.HTMY = field(default_factory=h.HTMY)
    """The HTMY renderer to use."""

    no_data: bool = field(default=False, kw_only=True)
    If set, `hx()` routes will only accept HTMX requests.

    Note that if this property is `True`, then the `hx()` decorator's `no_data` argument
    will have no effect.

    request_processors: list[RequestProcessor] = field(default_factory=list, kw_only=True)
    A list of functions that expect the current request and return an `htmy` `Context` that should
    be used during rendering in addition to the default context of `self.htmy`.

    def hx(
        component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[T],
        error_component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[Exception] | None = None,
        no_data: bool = False,
    ) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, T]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, T | Response]]]:
        Decorator for rendering the route's result if the request was an HTMX one.

            component_selector: The component selector to use.
            error_component_selector: The component selector to use for route error rendering.
            no_data: If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.
        return hx(
            if error_component_selector is None
            else self._make_error_render_function(error_component_selector),
            no_data=self.no_data or no_data,

    def page(
        component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[T],
        error_component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[Exception] | None = None,
    ) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, T]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, T | Response]]]:
        Decorator for rendering a route's result.

        This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.

            component_selector: The component selector to use.
            error_component_selector: The component selector to use for route error rendering.
        return page(
            if error_component_selector is None
            else self._make_error_render_function(error_component_selector),

    def _make_render_function(self, component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[T]) -> HTMLRenderer[T]:
        """Creates a render function that uses the given component selector."""

        async def render(result: T, *, context: dict[str, Any], request: Request) -> str:
            component = (
                component_selector.get_component(request, None)
                if isinstance(component_selector, RequestComponentSelector)
                else component_selector
            return await self.htmy.render(component(result), self._make_render_context(request, context))

        return render

    def _make_error_render_function(
        self, component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[Exception]
    ) -> HTMLRenderer[Exception]:
        """Creates an error renderer function that uses the given component selector."""

        async def render(result: Exception, *, context: dict[str, Any], request: Request) -> str:
            component = (
                component_selector.get_component(request, result)
                if isinstance(component_selector, RequestComponentSelector)
                else component_selector
            return await self.htmy.render(component(result), self._make_render_context(request, context))

        return render

    def _make_render_context(self, request: Request, route_params: dict[str, Any]) -> h.Context:
        """Creates the HTMY rendering context."""
        # Add the current request to the context.
        result = CurrentRequest.to_context(request)

        # Add all route params to the context.

        # Run all request processors and add the result to the context.
        for cp in self.request_processors:

        return result

htmy = field(default_factory=h.HTMY) class-attribute instance-attribute

The HTMY renderer to use.

no_data = field(default=False, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

If set, hx() routes will only accept HTMX requests.

Note that if this property is True, then the hx() decorator's no_data argument will have no effect.

request_processors = field(default_factory=list, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

A list of functions that expect the current request and return an htmy Context that should be used during rendering in addition to the default context of self.htmy.

hx(component_selector, *, error_component_selector=None, no_data=False)

Decorator for rendering the route's result if the request was an HTMX one.


Name Type Description Default
component_selector HTMYComponentSelector[T]

The component selector to use.

error_component_selector HTMYComponentSelector[Exception] | None

The component selector to use for route error rendering.

no_data bool

If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.

Source code in fasthx/
def hx(
    component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[T],
    error_component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[Exception] | None = None,
    no_data: bool = False,
) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, T]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, T | Response]]]:
    Decorator for rendering the route's result if the request was an HTMX one.

        component_selector: The component selector to use.
        error_component_selector: The component selector to use for route error rendering.
        no_data: If set, the route will only accept HTMX requests.
    return hx(
        if error_component_selector is None
        else self._make_error_render_function(error_component_selector),
        no_data=self.no_data or no_data,

page(component_selector, *, error_component_selector=None)

Decorator for rendering a route's result.

This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.


Name Type Description Default
component_selector HTMYComponentSelector[T]

The component selector to use.

error_component_selector HTMYComponentSelector[Exception] | None

The component selector to use for route error rendering.

Source code in fasthx/
def page(
    component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[T],
    error_component_selector: HTMYComponentSelector[Exception] | None = None,
) -> Callable[[MaybeAsyncFunc[P, T]], Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, T | Response]]]:
    Decorator for rendering a route's result.

    This decorator triggers HTML rendering regardless of whether the request was HTMX or not.

        component_selector: The component selector to use.
        error_component_selector: The component selector to use for route error rendering.
    return page(
        if error_component_selector is None
        else self._make_error_render_function(error_component_selector),

RouteParams dataclass

HTMY context aware utility for accessing route parameters (resolved dependencies).

For convenience, it is a partial, readonly mapping implementation. Supported mapping methods: __contains__, __getitem___(), and get(). For more complex use-cases, you can rely on the params property.

Source code in fasthx/
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class RouteParams:
    HTMY context aware utility for accessing route parameters (resolved dependencies).

    For convenience, it is a partial, readonly mapping implementation. Supported mapping methods:
    `__contains__`, `__getitem___()`, and `get()`. For more complex use-cases, you can rely on the
    `params` property.

    params: dict[str, Any]
    """Route parameters."""

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        """Membership test operator (`in`)."""
        return key in self.params

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """`self[key]` implementation."""
        return self.params[key]

    def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None, /) -> Any:
        """Returns the parameter with the given key."""
        return self.params.get(key, default)

    def to_context(self) -> h.MutableContext:
        """Creates an `htmy` `Context` for this instance."""
        return {RouteParams: self}

    def from_context(cls, context: h.Context) -> Self:
        Loads the `RouteParams` instance from the given context.

            KeyError: If there's no `RouteParams` in the context.
            TypeError: If invalid data is stored for `RouteParams`.
        result = context[cls]
        if isinstance(result, cls):
            return result

        raise TypeError(f"Invalid context data type for {cls.__name__}.")

params instance-attribute

Route parameters.


Membership test operator (in).

Source code in fasthx/
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
    """Membership test operator (`in`)."""
    return key in self.params


self[key] implementation.

Source code in fasthx/
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
    """`self[key]` implementation."""
    return self.params[key]

from_context(context) classmethod

Loads the RouteParams instance from the given context.


Type Description

If there's no RouteParams in the context.


If invalid data is stored for RouteParams.

Source code in fasthx/
def from_context(cls, context: h.Context) -> Self:
    Loads the `RouteParams` instance from the given context.

        KeyError: If there's no `RouteParams` in the context.
        TypeError: If invalid data is stored for `RouteParams`.
    result = context[cls]
    if isinstance(result, cls):
        return result

    raise TypeError(f"Invalid context data type for {cls.__name__}.")

get(key, default=None)

Returns the parameter with the given key.

Source code in fasthx/
def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None, /) -> Any:
    """Returns the parameter with the given key."""
    return self.params.get(key, default)


Creates an htmy Context for this instance.

Source code in fasthx/
def to_context(self) -> h.MutableContext:
    """Creates an `htmy` `Context` for this instance."""
    return {RouteParams: self}