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FastAPI dependencies and utilities.


The package is available on PyPI and can be installed with:

$ pip install fasted



Decorator that let's you use your business objects' instance methods as FastAPI dependencies without writing any additional code.


  • Sync and async instance methods.
  • Sync and async generator methods.
  • Inheritence and super() calls is decorated methods.
  • An optional factory (FastAPI dependency) for creating the self instance. If not set, the class' __init__() method will serve as the dependency for creating the self instance.
  • Decorated instance methods will behave as expected if called directly.

Example use:

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from fasted import selfdependent

def double() -> "Multiplier":
    # Dependency that returns a Multiplier with base = 2.
    return Multiplier(2)

class Multiplier:
    def __init__(self, base: float) -> None:
        self.base = base

    def multiply(self, mul: float) -> float:
        # `__init__()` will be used as the dependency to create `self`, so the route
        # where this method is used will have a `base` and a `mul` query parameter.
        return self.base * mul

    async def double(self, mul: float) -> float:
        # `double()` will be used as the dependency to create `self`, so the route
        # where this method is used will only have a `mul` query parameter.
        return self.base * mul

app = FastAPI()

def multiply_route(value: Annotated[float, Depends(Multiplier.multiply)]) -> float:
    # FastAPI will create the `Multiplier` instance based on `Multiplier.__init__()` and
    # automatically feed this `instance` as `self` to `Multiplier.multiply()` to calculate
    # the value of the dependency.
    return value

def double_route(value: Annotated[float, Depends(Multiplier.double)]) -> float:
    # FastAPI will create the `Multiplier` instance using the `double()` factory (dependency)
    # and automatically feed this instance as `self` to `Multiplier.multiply()` to
    # calculate the value of the dependency.
    return value


Generic type for FastAPI dependencies.

Example use:

from typing import Annotated, Generator

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from fasted import Dependency
# from x import Session

def make_api(make_session: Dependency[Session]) -> APIRouter:
    DependsSession = Annotated[Session, Depends(make_session)]

    api = APIRouter()

    def get(session: DependsSession) -> int:
        return 4

    return api

def make_db_session() -> Generator[Session, None, None]:
    with Session(database) as session:
        yield session

app = FastAPI()
app.include_router(make_api(make_db_session), prefix="/random-number")


Being a FastAPI utility library, the only dependency is (and will remain) fastapi.


Use ruff for linting and formatting, mypy for static code analysis, and pytest for testing.

The documentation is built with mkdocs-material and mkdocstrings.


All contributions are welcome.

License - MIT

The package is open-sourced under the conditions of the MIT license.